Horticulture or Landscape Operative - YMCA Awards
  • Horticulture or Landscape Operative

    End-Point Assessment services and resources to support the learner prepare


    The apprenticeship standard lays out in detail the knowledge, skills and behaviours a Horticulture or Landscape Operative needs to be successful in the role and industry. The assessment requirements are defined in the assessment plan. The assessment is designed to closely reflect real work activity. This allows the apprentice to be assessed based on genuine work performance.
    This Apprenticeship Standard has been designed by 18 leading employers, to make sure that it meets the needs of the sector.

    Before EPA

    Before end-point assessment, the following qualifications must be successfully achieved:

    Level 2 English and Maths
    Level 3 First Aid at Work.

    Learners must also have completed one of the following qualifications:

    Level 2 Principles of Safe Handling and Application of Persticides Guidance
    Level 2 Award in the Safe use of Pesticides

    Assessed by

    Apprentices are assessed by an end-point assessor, appointed by YMCA Awards.

    We only work with experienced assessors who have current occupational expertise and knowledge of the area they are assessing.


    The EPA is made up of three distinct assessment methods, in this running order:

    Online knowledge test : a one-hour, 40 question multiple-choice test
    Practical skills assessment : observation of three essential skills completed over no more than six hours
    Professional discussions : an hour long competency-based discussion of evidence selected/adapted from the apprentice’s portfolio.


    Grading is made up of three categories: Distinction, Pass and Fail. Each assessment is graded individually and then combined to determine the EPA grade.


    Resources we offer to support the learner/training provider:

    Horticulture or Landscape Operative Y-Kit


    Full EPA services £900 per learner

    We have a specialist EPA team to help you navigate the world of apprenticeship assessments.