Details of our fees for approved training providers.
We believe in fair, transparent pricing. This page outlines the fees we will charge our approved providers from 1 January 2024.
We require all customers to spend a minimum of £350 in learner registration fees each year (1 August – 31 July). If you need external quality assurance but haven’t met this minimum since your last EQA activity, we will invoice you for the difference at the end of the academic year.
If you’re a learner, you’ll need to find a training provider to get an accurate cost for completing one of our qualifications. Training providers will charge learners more than the prices listed below to cover the costs of the delivery of teaching and assessment they complete on our behalf.
Select a category below to find out more about the fees for that product and/or service.
Qualification fees
Occupational entry qualification – qualifications that allow a learner to enter the sector or a new job role e.g.:
- YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Exercise and Fitness: Group Exercise Instructing
- YMCA Level 2 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Gym Instructing
- YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Personal Training
Award | Certificate | Diploma | |
Level 2 | £36.00 | £46.00 | £56.00 |
Level 3 | £46.00 | £56.00 | £66.50 |
Level 4 | £56.00 | £66.50 | £76.50 |
Population/environment qualification – qualifications that allow a learner to expand their scope of practice to work with a wider range of clients or in new settings (e.g. within a school environment) e.g. YMCA Level 3 Award in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Perinatal.
Award | Certificate | Diploma | |
Level 2 | £25.50 | £51.00 | £56.00 |
Level 3 | £30.50 | £56.00 | £66.50 |
Level 4 | £36.00 | £61.00 | £76.50 |
Equipment/technical qualifications – qualifications that allow a learner to work with additional equipment or further their knowledge and understanding e.g.:
- YMCA Level 2 Award in Punching, Kicking and Padwork
- YMCA Level 4 Certificate in Applied Nutrition for Health, Wellness, Weight Management and Sports Performance.
Award | Certificate | |
Level 2 | £25.50 | £25.50 |
Level 3 | £30.50 | £30.50 |
Level 4 | £61.00 | £61.00 |
First aid and safeguarding qualifications – qualifications that allow a learner to perform a specific role within their organisation.
Emergency | Full | |
First aid at work | £5.50 | £10.50 |
Paediatric first aid | £5.50 | £10.50 |
Safeguarding | N/A | £10.50 |
Where a qualification is made up of two or more smaller qualifications (e.g. YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Gym Instructing and Personal Training), the fee will be 10% lower than the sum of fees for the constituent qualifications.
We require all customers to spend a minimum of £350 in learner registration fees each year (1 August – 31 July). If you need external quality assurance but haven’t met this minimum since your last EQA activity, we will invoice you for the difference at the end of the academic year.
Qualification Title | Qualification Number | Qualification fee |
YMCA Level 1 Award in Body Image and the Relationship to Wellbeing | 600/7385/8 | £20.50 |
YMCA Level 1 Award in Employability and Personal Development | 601/4334/4 | £20.50 |
YMCA Level 1 Award in Fitness and Physical Activity | 500/8428/8 | £20.50 |
YMCA Level 1 Award in Health Champions | 601/6693/9 | £20.50 |
YMCA Level 1 Award in Introduction to Lifestyle Management | 600/2264/4 | £20.50 |
YMCA Level 1 Award in Lifestyle Management | 500/8442/2 | £20.50 |
YMCA Level 1 Certificate in Employability and Personal Development | 601/4335/6 | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 1 Diploma in Employability and Personal Development | 601/4358/7 | £61.00 |
YMCA Level 1 Diploma In Sport and Active Leisure | 600/9170/8 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Anatomy, Physiology and Fitness Principles for EMD UK Professional Membership | 610/3661/4 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award In Delivering Chair-Based Exercise | 600/5924/2 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Delivering Sport and Physical Activity in the School Environment: Out of Curriculum | 603/7217/5 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Developing sustainable physical activity programmes within community settings | 603/7343/X | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Employment Awareness in Active Leisure and Learning | 500/6534/8 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Engaging Children Aged 0-5 in Sport and Physical Activity | 603/7218/7 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Engaging Children and Young People in Sport and Physical Activity | 603/7216/3 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Engaging Inactive People in Physical Activity to Create Long-Term Behaviour Change | 603/7345/3 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Exercise and Fitness: Group Exercise Instructor | 610/2792/3 | £36.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Group Exercise Instructing | 603/7151/1 | £36.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Instructing Kettlebell Training | 603/7186/9 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Instructing Padwork | 610/4411/8 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Instructing Suspended Movement Training | 603/7187/0 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Mental Health Awareness and Understanding Approaches to Support Individuals | 603/7146/8 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award In Nutrition for Healthy Living | 600/5269/7 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Safeguarding Adults and Adults at Risk | 610/0822/9 | £10.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People | 603/7215/1 | £10.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Supporting Mental Health: Early Intervention | 610/4380/1 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Supporting Wellness | 610/4039/3 | £25.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Award in Understanding Stewarding at Spectator Events | 603/7361/1 | £36.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Exercise and Fitness: Group Exercise Instructor | 610/2791/1 | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Group Exercise Instructing | 603/7154/7 | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing | 603/2767/4 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Spectator Safety | 603/7360/X | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Certificate in the Foundations of Strength and Conditioning (Trainer) | 603/3413/7 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness Instructing | 603/7285/0 | £100.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Group Exercise Instructor (Professional Studio Instructor) | 610/3583/X | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 2 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Gym and Group Exercise Instructor (Circuit Training) | 610/2793/5 | £82.50 |
YMCA Level 2 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Gym Instructor | 610/2784/4 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Active Leisure, Learning and Well-being Operational Services | 600/0491/5 | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Activity Leadership | 600/0347/9 | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Instructing Exercise and Fitness | 501/0519/X | £51.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Award In Adapting Exercise for Ante Natal and Post Natal Clients | 600/5862/6 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award In Adapting Exercise for Independently Active, Older People | 600/5879/1 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment | 600/0354/6 | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement | 600/0356/X | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Business Skills for the Fitness Professional | 600/1146/4 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Delivering Physical Activity in Different Environments: Outdoors | 610/4041/1 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Education and Training | 601/1846/5 | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work | 603/1902/1 | £5.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid | 603/7211/4 | £5.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Employment Awareness in Active Leisure and Learning | 500/6535/X | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work | 603/1903/3 | £10.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Instructing Outdoor Fitness | 600/1144/0 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Instructing Pilates Studio Reformer: The Advanced Reformer Repertoire | 610/4344/8 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Nutrition for Physical Activity and Exercise | 610/2286/X | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Nutrition to Support Physical Activity | 603/3098/3 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid | 603/7212/6 | £10.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award In Programming and Supervising Exercise with Disabled Clients | 600/5681/2 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Sports Conditioning | 600/1145/2 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Disability and Impairment | 610/1559/3 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Disability and Impairment (Practitioner) | 610/1559/3 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Menopause | 610/4379/5 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Older Adults | 610/1668/8 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Older Adults (Practitioner) | 610/1668/8 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Perinatal | 610/0829/1 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Perinatal (Practitioner) | 610/0829/1 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Understanding Menopause and Interventions to Support Health and Wellbeing | 610/4378/3 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Award in Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment | 600/0357/1 | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement | 600/0358/3 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Certificate in Instructing Pilates Studio Reformer: Groups | 610/4341/2 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Certificate in Instructing Pilates Studio Reformer: Groups and One-to-One | 610/4342/4 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Certificate in Leadership, Management and Customer Service in Sport and Active Leisure | 603/4856/2 | £30.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Certificate In Leisure Management | 600/5163/2 | £46.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Certificate in Spectator Safety Supervision | 603/7363/5 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Long-Term Health Conditions | 610/4227/4 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Wellness through Lifestyle Behaviour Change | 610/4040/X | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness Instructing, and Personal Training (Practitioner) | 603/3504/X | £141.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Gym and Group Exercise Instructor (Circuit Training), and Personal Trainer | 610/2794/7 | £141.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Gym Instructor and Personal Trainer | 610/2789/3 | £109.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Personal Trainer | 610/2787/X | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Exercise Referral | 603/3103/3 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma In Exercise Referral | 600/4731/8 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training (Practitioner) | 603/2921/X | £109.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Instructing Pilates Matwork | 610/4340/0 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Instructing Pilates Studio Reformer: Groups, One-to-One and Advanced Repertoire | 610/4343/6 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Performance Massage | 610/0701/8 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training (Practitioner) | 603/2438/7 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training (Practitioner) in Indoor and Outdoor Environments | 603/3505/1 | £145.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training (Practitioner), Outdoor Exercise and Sports Conditioning | 603/3510/5 | £114.00 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy | 601/5011/7 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Long-Term Health Conditions | 610/4680/2 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Pilates | 600/4015/4 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Pilates (Practitioner) | 603/3855/6 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Yoga | 600/1227/4 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Yoga (Practitioner) | 603/3617/1 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Extended Certificate in Spectator Safety Supervision | 603/7364/7 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Leisure Management | 600/1911/6 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Personal Training | 501/0158/4 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry Diploma in Exercise and Fitness: Personal Trainer | 610/3995/0 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice | 600/3849/4 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 4 Award in Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice | 600/3850/0 | £56.00 |
YMCA Level 4 Certificate in Advanced Nutrition for Health, Weight Management and Sports Performance | 610/2694/3 | £82.50 |
YMCA Level 4 Certificate in Applied Nutrition for Health, Wellness, Weight Management, and Sports Performance | 610/2287/1 | £61.00 |
YMCA Level 4 Certificate in Delivering Physical Activity for Individuals with Mental Health Conditions | 601/4796/9 | £61.00 |
YMCA Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice | 600/3913/9 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 4 Certificate in Programming Physical Activity for Individuals with Low Back Pain | 601/3505/0 | £61.00 |
YMCA Level 4 Certificate in Sports Massage Therapy | 601/5123/7 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 4 Certificate in Sports Massage Therapy (Soft Tissue Dysfunction) | 610/0736/5 | £66.50 |
YMCA Level 4 Certificate in Weight Management for Individuals with Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus and/or Metabolic Syndrome | 600/6752/4 | £61.00 |
YMCA Level 4 Diploma in Spectator Safety Management | 603/7362/3 | £76.50 |
YMCA Level 4 Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy (Soft Tissue Dysfunction) | 610/3569/5 | £118.50 |
End-Point Asssessment fees
Standard | Fee |
Level 2 Horticulture or Landscape Operative | £900 |
Level 3 Leisure Duty Manager | £900 |
Level 3 Personal Trainer | £800 |
Learner assessment records (LARs)
Y-Mark assessment workbooks fees
Using our Y-Mark self-marking digital assessment workbooks are free and reduces the average cohort’s marking by 6 hrs. Learners will be auto-enrolled on Y-mark when they are registered on a qualification containing this assessment.
If you’d prefer a printed version you can mark yourself, you can order this from our webshop.
Type | Fee |
Digital (self-marking) | Free |
Printed | £7.50 |
eLearning fees
All eLearning products are subject to VAT. Access for eLearning content is for 12 months from the date the request is processed.
You can request access to eLearning content by completing Digital Resource Request form in Y-Connect.
Qualification bundles | Fee |
Level 1 Fitness and Physical Activity | £51 +VAT |
Level 2 Anatomy, Physiology and Fitness Principles for EMD UK Professional Membership | £36 +VAT |
Level 2 Employment Awareness | £51 +VAT |
Level 2 Group Exercise Instructing (common units) | £81.50 +VAT |
Level 2 Gym Instructing | £101.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Education and Training | £51 +VAT |
Level 3 Employment Awareness | £51 +VAT |
Level 3 Exercise Referral | £61 +VAT |
Level 3 Gym Instructing and Personal Training | £181.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Personal Training | £101.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Performance massage | £61 +VAT |
Level 3 Supporting Participation in Physical Activity: Menopause | £91.50 +VAT |
Level 4 Advanced Nutrition (Level 3 units only) | £36 +VAT |
Level 4 Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy (Soft Tissue Dysfunction) | £61 +VAT |
Suada units | Fee |
Level 2 Health awareness and lifestyle management | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 2 Plan, deliver and evaluate gym-based training | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 2 Principles of physical activity, exercise, and training approaches to develop fitness and health | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 2 Providing a positive customer experience to exercise and fitness participants | £30.50 + VAT |
Level 2 Supporting clients in a gym-based environment | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Anatomy and physiology for exercise and fitness professionals | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Anatomy and physiology: Long-term health conditions | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Business acumen for health and fitness professionals | £30.50 + VAT |
Level 3 Consultation and assessment for personal training | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Fundamentals of menopause and the implications for health and wellbeing | £61 +VAT |
Level 3 Further Anatomy and Physiology for Performance Massage | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Health screening, risk stratification and scope of practice | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Massage Professional Practice | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Nutrition for physical activity and exercise | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Plan, deliver and evaluate outdoor training | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 Plan, deliver and evaluate personal training | £30.50 +VAT |
Level 3 The effect of declining hormones on health and wellbeing for individuals transitioning through the menopause | £61 +VAT |
Legacy units | Fee |
Level 1 Exercise and Fitness Knowledge | £25.50 + VAT |
Level 1 Introduction to the workplace: the active leisure industry | £25.50 + VAT |
Level 1 Lifestyle Management | £25.50 + VAT |
Level 3 Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment | £25.50 + VAT |
Level 4 Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice | £25.50 + VAT |
Manual fees
Our manuals are written specifically to support the delivery of our qualifications and have been priced based on their size. Printed manuals can be ordered in colour or black and white (B/W).
Alternatively, you can subscribe to our digital manuals service where learners can access manuals for all qualifications they’re registered on for a flat fee of £48 per learner for 12 months access.
Page count | Colour fee | B/W fee |
Up to 50 | £8.50 | £7.00 |
51–75 | £10.50 | £8.50 |
76–100 | £12.50 | £10.00 |
101–125 | £14.50 | £11.50 |
126–150 | £17.00 | £13.50 |
151–175 | £19.00 | £15.00 |
176–200 | £21.00 | £17.00 |
201-225 | £23.00 | £18.50 |
226-250 | £25.00 | £20.00 |
251-300 | £30.00 | £24.00 |
301-350 | £40.00 | £32.00 |
Please visit our web shop to order the full range of YMCA Awards print resources. If you are an approved centre, please log in to Y-Connect to order digital resource for your learners.
Approval, quality assuance and administration fees
Approval fees
Service | Fee | |
Initial centre approval review(non refundable) | Level 1 only | £200.00 |
All other levels/mixture of levels | £350.00 |
Approval fees are non-refundable and due at the point of submission.
Centres based outside of the UK will also need to cover any travel, accommodation and/or subsistence costs related to approval.
External assessment fees
Service | Fee |
eProctored assessment | £12.50 per learner per scheduled assessment Centres must ensure that learners are able to meet the software/hardware requirements before scheduling an eProctored assessment. Scheduled assessments cannot be amended and will be charged. |
Hand-marking of external assessment answer sheet | £10.00 |
Clerical review of marking | £10.00 |
Penalty for breaching the confidentiality of assessment materials | £15.00 per replacement question plus £500.00 for administration |
Quality assurance fees
We require customers to spend a minimum of £350 on learner registrations per EQA activity. If you require an EQA activity and have spent less than £350 on qualification registration fees since we last completed quality assurance for your centre, you will be charged the difference to cover our administration and external quality assurance costs.
Service | Fee |
EQA activity outside of the UK | All travel, accommodation and subsistence costs |
Late cancellation of an EQA visit(less than 14 days before scheduled date) | £250.00 |
Appeal | £50.00 |
Certification fees
Service | Fee |
Replacement certificate | £30.00 |
Printed certificate for endorsed programmes | £10.00 |