Collaboration is in our blood. To find new ways to support people to be happier, healthier and more fulfilled, we often team up with other charities and organisations.
Association for Nutrition (AfN)

The Association for Nutrition (AfN) defines and advances standards of evidence-based practice across the field of nutrition and at all levels within the workforce. Our Level 3 and Level 4 nutrition qualifications are endorsed against the AfN Competence Framework in Nutrition for Fitness and Leisure.
Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA)

CIMSPA is the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector, committed to supporting, developing and enabling professionals and organisations to succeed and, as a result, inspire our nation to become more active.
Together, we’re developing a vibrant, UK-wide sport and physical activity sector, with the highest standards of service delivery.
General Council for Soft Tissue Therapists (GCMT)

The GCMT is the only forum where Professional Associations, who represent massage and soft tissue therapies, join together to discuss and resolve industry issues.
They aim to represent the views of the whole spectrum of massage and soft tissue practitioners by working collectively in the best interests of the profession.
MH1 Global

The UK currently faces significant public health challenges including: physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour, obesity, substance misuse and mental health issues. These challenges can negatively affect individuals’ wellbeing and increase pressure on public services like the NHS.
However, the healthcare system does not need to tackle all these challenges alone. Around 15-20 million people in over 170 occupations contribute to public health through their work, even if they do not realise it.
We have partnered with MH1 Global – the go-to place for mental health support and expertise for fitness professionals – to create a new suite of qualifications aimed at supporting this ‘wider public health workforce’.
The Association for Soft Tissue Therapists (SMA)

Established in 2002, the SMA is one of the largest and most respected Professional Associations in the sports massage and sports massage therapy industry.
Its membership provided soft tissue therapists for the 2012 Olympics and has been instrumental in setting the requirements to meet the current National Occupational Standards for soft tissue practitioners.
It is also working closely with Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) to create a Sports Massage Register for suitably qualified sports massage therapists to become accredited by the PSA (professional standards authority) for Health and Social Care.
UK Women in Action

UK Women in Action are an organisation dedicated to shifting perceptions around menopause.
70% of individuals experiencing menopause would like to be more active. That’s around 9 million individuals who want more support and guidance on how to build exercise into their often-challenging lives.
YMCA Awards and UK Women in Action work together to upskill personal trainers to tackle this challenge.